Monday, May 06, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor
The Fifty-One Year Anniversary

AUGUST 28, 2006 --

LPR has heard radio newspeople refer to the "one year anniversary" of Hurricane Katrina. Isn't that kind of talk about as imprecise as, say, "six month anniversary?"

Reports, some of them possibly intended
for political effect, suggest that New Orleans is still not the same this first anniversary of Katrina.

August 19th was the fifty-first anniversary of the Winsted Flood that took seven lives in a city of some 8,000 people.

This photo, looking towards the eastern end of Main Street that remained above the aptly-named Mad River, was taken last week. Half a century before Katrina, Winsted was changed by hurricane-driven floodwaters.

Prior to August 19, 1955, stores lined both sides of a narrower Main Street. The structures on the Mad River side of Main Street are gone.

Main Street, Winsted Connecticut, 51 years after the Flood of 1955.

I can recall seeing a building just before the rise at the eastern end of Main Street cut in two by the flood, looking like a dollhouse, with the interior open to view.

And Main Street was widened to make it seem more an interstate highway than the heart of a small town. Partisan use of
Katrina notwithstanding, the force of Mother Nature is rather greater than the winds of politics, and leaves, I guess, a more-lasting impact.