Monday, May 06, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

Affordable Milk, Anyone?

November 5, 2014 --

The lead story in The New York Times, November 4, suggested that the mood among voters does not match the economy's upturn. The Times cited, among other things, "six months of strong economic growth, gasoline below $3 a gallon for the first time in four years...." Not mentioned in the article is the zooming hike in dairy products. A gallon of milk has, for some time, been more costly than a gallon of regular gas. And now, to boot, an 8-ounce package of butter costs more than a gallon of gas. LPR estimates that the cost of butter has gone up some 40% in recent weeks. The silence of the media and politicians to this alarming squeeze on consumers is proof positive, for LPR, of the disconnect between the ruling class and the 99%.

There is little for us ordinary citizens to do but speculate as to the cause for the sharp rise in dairy products? Is there some economic law that holds that the cost of butter and milk must rise in inverse proportion with the decline in gas prices? Have cows become anxious about climate change and are giving less milk? Is this part of an administration campaign to fight cholesterol? Whatever the cause, it is apparent that dairy products will soon become delicacies, affordable only for media people, politicians and Wall Street.