Tuesday, May 07, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

What is to happen after May 15?

April 19, 2020 --

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo  (he must have had some involvement as HUD secretary in the Dayton Seaside property tax manipulation -- current  HUD SEC  Carson, where are you?) -- has decreed that New Yorkers must wear masks and wait until May 15 to start the reopening of non-essential businesses.   And then what?   Is May 15, aside from serving as birthday to part of the population, to be forever known as the "Then What Day"?  There has been some talk that Mr. Cuomo should be given a spot on the Democratic national ticket.  Heavens, the public has no idea if the Democratic National Convention will meet in Milwaukee in August, or be teleported from that city -- and what of delegates without smartphones -- or will such phones be provided  with the badges?
Voters generally should be reminded that he did become accustomed to ruling by governor's decree this spring. 

Holy Malarkey, the Democrats seem to enjoy accusing Republicans of being authoritarian and anti-democratic, and then practice those very ills on getting political power.

After May 15, will tourists return to visiting Manhattan, and, if they do, will they be required to walk six feet from other pedestrians, with the distance monitored by the Walking Distance Force, made up of people who have lost their jobs, and were unable to return to their former places of employment which went OOB (out of business) for being non-essential during the coronavirus crisis.