Saturday, May 11, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor
"All the Print That's News to Fit"

JULY 18, 2007 --

Last August 25, the New York Times published a long article by Duff Wilson and Jonathan D. Glater that perhaps sought to revive the failing case brought by Durham County (N.C.) district attorney Michael B. Nifong against three Duke University lacrosse players, charging them with rape, sexual assault and kidnapping.

(Yes, a grand jury approved these charges, but please note what a New York jurist once said about a grand jury indictment -- it can be brought against a ham sandwich.)

Attorney-writer Michael Gaynor instantly critiqued the long Wilson-Glater (trying to emulate Woodward-Bernstein?) into smithereens -- see his demolition work at the Renew America website.

LPR likes this quote from the now-discredited and dismissed and disbarred Mr. Nifong that "Wilter" (yes, shamelessly evoking the Washington Post's "Woodstein" of Watergate days) included in their bolster-up piece. "'… I've been doing this for a long time …'"

("Wilter" attributes the comment to a statement from Nifong "at a forum on the case at North Carolina Central, where the accuser attended college.")

Reporter Wilson and Glater would have been advised by their editors, we can now appreciate, to have informed their readers just what Nifong had been doing "'for a long time.'" as district attorney.

Herewith -- "The Don Imus You Can't Make This Up, department: "Nifong" acronymizes, into "gonnif." The name of one of the officers mentioned by Wilson-Glater is "Himan."

The accuser was reported in the article to having brought rape charges against other men in Creedmoor, North Carolina, 10 years earlier. Creedmoor is also the name of a psychiatric facility in Queens, New York.)

And now: LPR Proposes:

Henceforth: August 25 shall be celebrated as "All the Print That's News to Fit" Day. (Alternatively called Mainstream Agenda Day -- yup: MAD.)

LPR acknowledges that many elected Republicans in Congress -- the people who would much prefer glorious mention in The New York Times or The Washington Post than plaudits from the GOP base for abiding by, and honoring, our Founding legacy --- are not likely to join AtPTNtF Day festivities.