Monday, May 06, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

Some Pointers How Rob Astorino
Could Have Been a Contender

October 15, 2014 --

First -- responding to Gov Christie who dismissed Astorino's New York gubernatorial candidacy against Gov. Andrew Cuomo as a "lost cause," Astorino should have reminded Christie of the comment in the movie "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington," that lost causes are the only ones worth fighting for.

Second -- Astorino should have used Cuomo's vastly greater amount of campaign funds against Cuomo: Do the people of New York want a candidate who thinks he can buy an election?

Third-- Astorino should have linked up with ordinary -- and stressed -- New Yorkers. Why does a gallon of milk cost more in New York than a gallon of gasoline; are we supposed to have gasoline with our Wheaties, Corn Flakes, or Rice Krispies.

Anyone hear Cuomo speak out against the high cost of milk? No way -- instead he speaks out against conservatives daring to live in the State of New York.