Monday, May 06, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor
Mayor Bloomberg, Will the BSL Have A Season This Year?

APRIL 23, 2006 --

The Broadway Show League has a new commissioner, this season, Tom Godfrey, succeeding Carlos Martinez, commissioner the past two seasons.

Commissioner Godfrey had planned a May 4 opening, with some preseason games. The Heckscher softball fields under reconstruction this season, and the league expected it could play on other softball fields in Central Park -- but it has yet to receive permits from the Parks

Will there be a Broadway Show League season this year?

Mayor Bloomberg has on several occasions, including the annual September Broadway on Broadway
season-opening event, in Times Square, noted the importance of Broadway to New York City.

LPR has photographed BSL games since the 2002 season and would agree that the league promotes Broadway morale and closer ties between Broadway and its audience.

LPR is surprised that this BSL season has not yet been set. Does Mayor Bloomberg know about this?

For more information on the league's status this season, please click the league's website -- -- which
can be found in the LPR link-list to the right.

The Central Park Skyboxes -- a view of the Heckscher softball fields now under reconstruction.

The BSL 2005 Champs -- Beauty
and the Beast.

New commissioner -- Tom Godfrey -- taken in Central Park, last July, at the cafe in the Heckscher complex.

The Broadway Show League gives theatergoers photo ops, off-stage, of stars like Tom Kavanagh and Patrick
Wilson, pictured here. And the BSL might also get non-theatergoers interested in Broadway.

A few seasons back Patrick Wilson and Shuler Hensley, starring in "Oklahoma!", played on the show's BSL team , proving to be top-notch athletes, as well as terrific actors. (Shuler played centerfield on the
"Oklahoma!" team and has the strongest arm I've ever seen in softball. He is also a slugger at bat.)