Tuesday, May 07, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

Let's End the Chorus Line Debates

March 5, 2020 --

It is difficult for LPR to believe that the American people really are in favor of  presidential debates consisting  of seven or more candidates, given a minute or so to answer questions, with the candidates speaking over themselves, much of the time, and raising their hands like elementary school pupils, throughout.

LPR urges, and may this suggestion be taken up by others, if not going viral, that up to the moment when rivals for their party's nomination dwindle to two, the debates consist of hour-long segments, with one candidate facing just one other candidate.   Among other things, this will give the candidates more time to respond to questions, and eliminate the demeaning (in LPR's view) hand-raising to get attention from the moderators), alone with squelching much of the cross-talk.   

Consider the matter this way: imagine it is 1960, and we had primary debates  with Sen. John F. Kennedy, Sen.  Lyndon Johnson, Sen. Stuart Symington. and Sen. Hubert Humphrey, and  others sharing the stage, and speaking over each other.  Can you really imagine, back then, Sen. Kennedy or Sen. Johnson raising his hand to get the attention of ABC's Howard K. Smith or of NBC's Sander Vanocur?

Please, from this time forth, organize the debates. Noah-style:  two by two.  The American people have nothing to lose but political chaos.