Saturday, May 04, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

The Hillary Clinton “Let’s Spec” Game

October 5, 2016 --

During the first debate, former Secretary Clinton speculated on reasons “Donald” hasn’t released his tax return.  Allowing that anyone who speculated on former Secretary Clinton’s motives on any matter would be accused of being conspiracy-minded, LPR, still, would suggest that the former secretary has given us a new parlor game: “Let’s Spec.”

Here is one example how it could go.  Consider: why won’t Hillary Clinton release the texts of her talks to, say, Goldman Sachs, talks which brought her $225,000 per talk?

First, maybe the text was shredded after delivery. Second, perhaps the former secretary promised that if elected president, she will always choose someone from Goldman Sachs to be her treasury secretary. Third, she assured Goldman Sachs, “people like us should not be embarrassed to acknowledge our superiority and, therefore, should be proud to be called ‘snobs.’ Fourth, what if she did not give a talk, but just schmoozed with the Goldman Sachs staff for about 40 minutes, over cocktails?