Sunday, May 05, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

Is there a Democrat member of Congress willing to compare ...

February 19, 2015 --

... the actions of President Obama after he announced the slaughter by ISIS of American journalist James Foley with the actions of Jordan after its pilot was burden to death by Isis?

As LPR recalls, following the president's remarks, he went off to play golf. Jordan has moved with considerable force against ISIS targets to revenge the murder of its pilot. By the way -- why does the White House use ISIL instead of ISIS. LPR understands that the "L" in ISIL represents the "Levant." Israel is a part of the Levant? Does the White House accept an ISIS claim to Israel?

Indeed, does the White House have difficulty with the Hamas goal of establishing the Islamic State of Palestine where Israel now stands? Hezbollah, in its 2009 manifesto hopes that "all Arabs and Muslims reclaim...Palestine and Jerusalem."

The new Hezbollah manifesto opens, in part: "[W]e are amid historical transformation that signal the retreat of the US role as a predominant power...and the beginning of hastening historic demise of the Zionist entity."