Sunday, May 05, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

A Consumer Proposal from LPR addressed to Sen. Elizabeth Warren

November 5, 2015 --

In his Autobiography, Theodore Roosevelt suggested that both sides of a bargain should profit, not just one side.

LPR believes that this outlook applies to bargains between car mechanics and car owners: to wit, repairs that are paid for should not only bring money to the mechanic, but should also repair the car.

When repairs are made that do not fix the car, it seems to LPR that only the mechanic, receiving money for not fixing the car, benefits. LPR here writes from recent personal, and excruciating, experience.

It would be enough, for LPR, to know that Sen. Warren will introduce legislation requiring car mechanics to post at a prominent place on their repair estimates, that the car owner is not required to pay for repairs that do not fix the car and, further, that in the event that the mechanic, after two efforts, has not fixed the car, at the request of the car owner, the mechanic will take possession of the vehicle and give the plates to the car owner. (With respect to failure by the mechanic to fix the car after two tries, LPR again writes from painful experience.)