Saturday, May 11, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor
A Most Curious Development

OCTOBER 26, 2007 --

After writing the poem that referred to the birth month of Joe Torre and Don Imus, this writer decided to check the birth date of Fox News head Roger Ailes.

This writer learned, to his utter amazement, that Ailes and he share the same birthdate: May 15, 1940. Michael Moore having taken the title "Roger and Me" for his own use, "From A to Z" occurs to this writer as suitable book title -- about how two men born on the same day remained active, 67 years later, though, alas, on significantly different financial levels.

LPR will not refuse any offers that would narrow the financial gap between us May 15, 1940 babies. And any offer would narrow that gap (however infinitesimally).

Is there a publisher with an offer for a book titled: "Peeved at PVB"? (Motivational increments cheerfully accepted.)

First chapter: see the LPR report how, February 2005, PVB towed the LPR-mobile with Shana in the car to that PVB pound in the Greenpoint section of Brooklyn that seems much grimmer than Guantanamo.