Saturday, May 11, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor
Lessons from "Dateline"?

MAY 16, 2007 --

NBC's "Dateline," May 13, had a story about the survival and recovery of New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine from serious injuries suffered when his speeding SUV
crashed as the governor was en route to the meeting of Don Imus and the Rutgers women's basketball team, last month.

The story did not, however, mention the car crash death of author David Halberstam a few days later -- also as a passenger in a car crash.

LPR continues to wonder if Mr. Halberstam had clicked his seatbelt and, if so, whether the restraint made it more likely that a broken rib would pierce his heart, reportedly killing him instantly.

(Gov. Corzine, famously not restrained by seatbelt, was thrown to the rear of his vehicle and suffered multiple injuries, including broken ribs--none, however, piercing his heart.)

The May 13 "Dateline" also told of a baby who, as fetus, had a benign but life-threatening, tumor surgically removed. Usually, of course, when a fetus has something removed, it is the brain, in a procedure popularly known i as "partial birth abortion" (PBA).

LPR wonders why opponents of this procedure do not call it "CBR" for complete brain removal. (LPR also wonders if NBC was -- is -- concerned about backlash for a story about a fetal life saved.)