Saturday, May 11, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor
The Elephant Has Turned
Into A Lamb

MARCH 20, 2007 --

Someone once must have advised: When circumstances warrant, pat yourself on the back; you can't expect anyone else will. And so -- LPR pats itself on the
back for having remarked, some time ago, that Republicans appear timid when Democrats smear them, malign them, accuse them, denounce them.

LPR believes that with Democrats now holding majorities in the House and Senate, the attacks will occur on a daily basis. Unless Republicans exercise
their First Amendment right to reply.
Suddenly conservative talkers on radio, notably Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, have been indicating their
exasperation with the silence of the Republican lambs.

LPR would ask Rush and Sean the question Golda Meier addressed to Egypt's President Sadat when he arrived in Jerusalem, November 19, 1977: "What
took you so long?"

The media are to be expected to continue as megaphones for the Democratic demagogues. Consider the coverage
given by The New York Times and The Washington Post to the Valerie Plame appearance before a House committee,
March 16.

Puffing up Ms. Plames claim that she had been victimized by the Bush administration, the Times and Post omitted mentioning the appearance of Victoria Toensing before the committee. Ms. Toensing, one of the authors of the law making it a criminal offense to
disclose the identity of a covert agent, takes a position on the Plame matter at odds with the partisan spin offered by Ms. Plame and Democratic congresspersons.

This seems, to LPR, an example of
political news sanitizing. Media insistence in challenging the motives of the Bush Administration on the Valerie Plame / Joseph Wilson matter, the Lewis Libby trial, and now the matter of the firing of eight federal prosecutors is, for LPR, evidence of anti-Bush bias, not free inquiry to inform the people.

LPR predicts that the Democratic attacks will continue and grow more hysterical under the GOAL (governance objectionable although legitimate) program of their JUNTA (just using negative tactics aggressively).

The silence of the Republican lambs might well encourage Democrats to draft articles of impeachment citing, as
political crimes, legitimate acts of government by President Bush. This, of course, would change our presidential system into a parliamentary system -- and all without bothering to change the Constitution.

LPR has said it before and will say it again: If Republicans fail to stand up for themselves, how can we expect the GOP to stand up for us? Clearly, liberals are intent in sending Republicans into
oblivion, to join their Whig forbears. An end to the GOP that leads to a new party faithful to the founding legacy of liberty and justice would very much serve
the common good.

To borrow from former Chrysler chairman Lee Iococca: Republicans: either stand up
to the liberals, or get out of the way and let the people confront them. If we are to be given a parliamentary--no confidence--system by the left-wingers, why not, instead, ask Queen Elizabeth to take us back?