Saturday, May 11, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

Memo to Fred Thompson


DECEMBER 28, 2007 --

Got your request for a campaign contribution that your letter says will buy you the  ads you need to get the money to remain in the race.   
Fred, you want to get attention and support far beyond the capacity of any ad to attract?

Follow the advice of Federalist 57 and stand with us against the bullies, external and internal, who would harm the nation and render our populist constitution meaningless in a society that they would steer back to the aristocratic form of governance: of the insiders, by the insiders and for the insiders.

To have faith in our system, in our people, Fred, you need to have faith in the wisdom of  the Founders. Heed Madison's counsel in Federalist 57, Fred, and see the people rush to your side -- because by taking that counsel, you will have rushed to our side.

Fred -- if you won't come to our side, who will?
