Saturday, May 11, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor
Further Thoughts on the
New York Yankees

OCTOBER 26, 2007 --

Why did the Yankees have so much difficulty with the American League's East Division doormat, Tampa Bay, which ended the 2007 with a 66 - 96 record, 30 games back of Boston?

The Yankees seemed, to LPR, to react with pride gaining the "wild card" spot in the 2007 American League playoffs. Another way of saying" wild card" is saying "I finished second, not first." Get to settle to be second, and watch your decline spiral.

LPR believes the Yankees-Red Sox hype has not been conducive, in recent years to post-season success. In 2003, Yankees and their fans focussed on the league championship series with the Red Sox, and seemed to regard the World Series contest with the Florida Marlins as anti-climax -- which is what, for the Yankees, it turned out to be.

And, given the unprecedented collapse to Boston in 2004 and the second place finish to Boston this year, it is time to reflect: if there is indeed such a thing as "The Curse of the Bambino," it has left Boston -- for The Bronx.