Monday, May 06, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor
Gas Price Watch

MAY 29, 2006 --

The price of gas dropped a bit in Torrington last week, with regular at $3.02.9 at most Torrington gas station, May 24.

Two days earlier, LPR spotted a 1947 Cadillac in Torrington. A Google search indicated that this car cost about $2,200 in 1947 -- and gas was about 15 cents a gallon then.

LPR was in New Jersey May 26, and regular, near the George Washington Bridge, ranged from $2.83.9 to $2.89.9.

LPR asks its clicksters-- don't fall for "gasoline aggrandizement syndrome" (GAS) -- in a way, not unlike Stockholm Syndrome. DON'T regard $2.83.9 as a low
price, these days.

That just could be what the pump price manipulators want us to do -- by spiking the price way up and then dropping it to the high level they were aiming for, telling us, meanwhile, that prices are considerably lower. Uh-uh.

As face-saving device for the oil industry, perhaps gas stations could give motorists de facto rebates by way of lottery scratch cards. The cards might be named "Windfalls."

1947 Cadillac spotted in Torrington, CT

Winsted Road Mobil Station in Torrington, CT