Saturday, May 04, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

For Sure Hillary Clinton is No Populist

August 15, 2013 --

Earlier this month, The New York Times reported that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gets $200,00 to give speeches. (Travel expenses may be extra.) Wow. Talk about the "ambitious sacrifice of the many, to the aggrandizement of the few."

Obviously, Mrs. Clinton is no populist.

LPR has a hunch that if Mrs. Clinton were a populist, she would convince at least one speaker's bureau to give opportunities to ordinary Americans to speak before large audiences, at, say, $5,000 an appearance.

The New York Times article reported that for $200,000, Mrs. Clinton tells audiences that "leadership is a team sport" and "a whisper can be louder than a shout."

LPR is not confident that Mrs. Clinton would explain to groups why the Obama Administration first claimed that the violence in Benghazi, last September, killing the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans, was provoked by a video, and not anti-American terrorism. Indeed, who knows but that Mrs. Clinton would again say: "What difference, after all, does that make?"

There has been some conjecture that Huma Abedin, wife of Anthony Weiner, has modeled her demeanor in the Weiner sex-text scandal after Mrs. Clinton, who was her boss at the State Department.

Would Mrs. Clinton, during one of her talks, tell her audience about how valuable Ms. Abedin was, as a top aide? Indeed, would Mrs. Clinton tell an audience that she thinks Ms. Abedin should herself go into politics?

Now, if I were to receive an invitation to give a talk (for only $5,000) I could discuss the Anthony Weiner I know -- the former congressman who was not interested in listening to me provide information on a property tax manipulation at the Dayton Seaside apartment buildings in Rockaway Park, Queens; the former congressman who ignored separation of powers and due process to send an improper, ex parte letter to a bankruptcy judge on his official House stationery, listing him a member of the House Judiciary Committee, to smear the owners of Dayton Seaside (including this writer).

Indeed, I would explain why, even if there were no sex-texting scandal involving Weiner, he is unfit to hold public office because he will not honor his oath to uphold the Constitution.

I might also be tempted to tell the audience: "You know, the $200,000 some people get to give talks seems an awful lot to pay for verbal pablum." I would then give instruction on Federalist No. 57.