Saturday, May 04, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

And If Hillary Clinton
Is Our Next President

May 5, 2016 --

First, of course, the media (in accandance with what will be known as “the Ambinder precedent’) will do her bidding, accepting instructions as to what adjectives are to be interspersed in articles about President Hillary Clinton. LPR doubts that any reporter will acknowledge ever having been uncomfortable accepting directions on how to describe to pronouncements of America’s FWP (first woman president).

The Supreme Court will be no less dutiful, as will be expected from nominees committed to accepting President Clinton’s instructions on deciding cases. With Hillary Clinton as president, justices will not need to hear legal arguments or read legal briefs. They will simply do as she directs, following the precedent she established in naming as her first Supreme Court nominee an individual who promised to vote to overturn the Citizens United ruling. (Candidate Clinton, during her April 14 debate against Sen. Bernie Sanders, declared “there is no doubt that the only people I would ever appoint to the Supreme Court are people who believe that Roe v. Wade is settled law and that Citizens United needs to be overturned.”

The “big goals” President Clinton sets for her “first term” include no less than “half a billion more solar panels” for the country, and a vast decrease in use of coal. (The quoted comments come from Ms. Clinton’s remarks during the April 14 presidential debate.)

This probably means a vast increase in federal regulation. Perhaps even lots more cold homes in winter during the transition to a hundred percent clean energy.

LPR expects that the Clinton administration will act, swiftly on a $15 minimum wage, notwithstanding the adverse impact, causing unemployment and the closing of convenience stores, bodegas and small businesses, generally.

Besides, the economy may well rebound as a result of the conflict with Russia after President Clinton orders a “no-fly” zone over Syria, and orders a surge in U.S. troops in Syria to topple President Bashir Assad, defended by Russian forces. The Clinton plan: “first regime change in Syria; and then – Russia.”