Saturday, May 04, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

Hillary for President

February 5, 2016 --

The New York Times lead editorial, January 31, did not exactly say that. The editorial simply called for Ms. Clinton's presidential nomination by the Democrats.

Does anyone doubt, however, that the Times will back Ms. Clinton if she gains the Democrat presidential nod? The Times endorsement made no mention of Benghazi, nor did it comment on Ms. Clinton's penchant for public appearances for hundreds of thousands of dollars a pop.

The editorial did acknowledge as "legitimate" inquiry into her "use of a private email server" -- while secretary of state, LPR here adds.

Still, notwithstanding predictable support from the Times for Ms. Clinton, LPR wonders if the paper is hedging a bit. Two days before the endorsement of Ms. Clinton, the Times ran an op-ed piece by Sen. Elizabeth Warren, "One Way to Rebuild Our Institutions."

The column opened: "While presidential candidates from both parties feverishly pitch their legislative agendas [sic], voters should also consider what presidents can do without Congress."

LPR did not have to read more to conclude that Sen. Warren is telling Democrats she will accept their presidential nomination if Ms. Clinton falters.

Concerning the Sanders candidacy, is there no member of the press to ask him: should you be elected, after imposing socialized medicine on the nation, is their any aspect of the free enterprise system that you will allow? And if the Vermont senator owes political success to the emergence of the wealth inequality issue, some 16 years after Alan Wolfe's New York Times op-ed on the subject, would it be reasonable to suggest that the presidential candidacy of Ralph Nader in 2000 was also just 16 years too soon.

Seems to LPR that Ralph Nader anticipated the Sanders candidacy this year.

From the LPR Archives - 2004: Ralph Nader, fund raising in Winsted, Connecticut on December 23rd.