Monday, May 06, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor
In China, Hu's On First

APRIL 23, 2006 --

With abject apologies to the memory of the brilliant Abbott and Costello…

LPR has absolutely no information that White House Press Secretary Scott McCllellan decided to leave his post based on the following exchange -- which so far as LPR knows did not take place.

LPR does wonder if some of the reported
Sino-American tension flared up when the President of China learned that Jack Bauer is still alive.

After all, with President Logan shouting that he is trying to keep oil from reaching $100 a barrel, LPR is starting to wonder whether some facts are being sprinkled on the fiction of "24.""

I have an announcement. The President of China will be visiting the U.S.
in April?

Reporter: Who?


Reporter: Why are you asking me?


Reporter: Are you giving us a test to see if we hear you? What did you announce.

Hu is coming to the U.S.

How should I know? I'd just like to know who.

Are you asking for an exclusive interview?

Reporter: With who?

McClellan: That's right.

Reporter: What's right -- what's right anywhere in your White House press office -- other than your politics.

McClellan: You don't have to get personal. I'm trying to give you information.

Reporter: Then why don't you tell us who is coming to the U.S.

But I did.

Reporter: You did what.

Tell you Hu is coming to the U.S.

Reporter: You told whom?

Yes, Brit Hume and and all of you.

Reporter: Sure, you tell Fox News who is
coming but you won't tell the rest of us.

But I told all of you Hu is coming.

Reporter: Then why won't you say who, now.

No, it is not Hu Nao--it is Hu

Reporter: Who is Jintao?

(to himself) There must be an
easier way to make a a living.

Proprietor's Note: On Sunday Morning, ABC's "This Week" program showed a clip of Jon Stewart doing a variation of the Abbott & Costello routine based on
the name of the president of China.

I do not have cable TV and do not watch the Stewart program.

The LPR piece was written before I learned of the Stewart version and without reference to anything but the Abbott and Costello classic.