Saturday, May 11, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

MAY 16, 2007 --

Wouldn't that be something -- if Imus were to give the commencement address at Rutgers University?

LPR heard Lou Dobbs, appearing on WFAN in the Morning, May 14, say he hoped Imus could return to the program.

Apparently this is not going to happen. LPR spotted Imus regular Bo Dietl entering Yankee Stadium, last week and asked him if Imus would return. Bo indicated that Imus was likely to return after September -- but not at WFAN.

(LPR heard Bo mention Clear Channel.)

If Imus does return to the airwaves, satellite-waves, whatever -- will Charles McCord go with him?

(LPR has a hunch it will not be good for WFAN if it loses McCord.)

And LPR wonders: will Charles McCord stay away when David Gregory takes the WFAN in the Morning microphone, reportedly next week?

(Mr. Gregory, one of the Imus regulars, stood by the I-man … stead-slowly?)