Sunday, May 05, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

Some Quick Thoughts and Questions After Indiana

May 5, 2016 --

The May 4 Daily News reacted to Donald J. Trump's Indiana primary victory with a front page showing the Republican elephant in a coffin, "killed by epidemic of Trump." So enraged, apparently, were the paper's editor's by Trump's looming GOP nomination that while the front page said the story was on pages 10-11, it actually appeared on pages 4-5.

What next? Political realignment into a Party of Trump (the Plebeians) against the Anti-Trump Coalition ---ATC -- (the Patricians)? Will Ohio Governor John Kasich block the Republican National Convention from assembling in Cleveland, claiming that a convention that nominates Trump for president poses a clear and danger threat to the safety of convention delegates and the people of Cleveland? Will the ATC persuade Hillary Clinton to step aside for a candidate acceptable to conservative members of the coalition, or will these conservatives become a wholly-owned subsidiary of the left?

How many impeachment resolutions are already drafted should Donald J. Trump be the next president? Anyone notice that the same people demonizing Trump are likely to be found demonizing Russia's president V. Putin, and also Israel's Prime Minister B. Netanyahu. And aren't people active in the anti-Russia war party vocal members of the ATC? Is war with Russia the ultimate move to unify the U.S.A. and prevent a Trump presidency?