Saturday, May 04, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

Her Inevitableness

June 19, 2016 --

The media, in advance of the Democratic National Convention, is genuflecting towards Hillary Clinton as our Presumed President or, stated differently, Her Inevitableness. On ABC's "This Week" program, June 5, for example, Ms. Clinton rattled off a series of anti-Trump diagnoses and rants. Rather than seeking specifics and inquiring of Ms. Clinton her qualifications to diagnose Trump's state of mind, host George Stephanopoulos told his next guest, Sen. Bob Corker, that Ms. Clinton had "made her case," and then told him how to reply: no comments directed at Ms. Clinton, just defend Trump -- if you can.

Mr. Stephanopoulos did not ask Ms. Clinton if people might think it curious that the judge in the Trump University case certified the San Diego law firm that, with its predecessor, had given the Clintons a total of $675,000. Perhaps this kind of question would not have occurred to Mr. Stephanopoulos if such a payment had gone to Donald Trump from a law firm representing a plaintiff against the Clintons -- but I doubt it.

The Republican establishment, so quick to join the left in attacking Trump, at the drop of a bork,** is clearly insensible to the campaign to crush the vast rightwing conspiracy that will be unleashed on January 20, 2017, as soon as President Hillary Clinton finishes reciting the oath of office, the oath that she will quickly dishonor. (Among the many Republicans who were hostile to Trump, Winson Gov. Scott Walker will have great reason to regret his opposition to Trump as the public sector union militants and thje John Does resume thier anti-Walker efforts, with encouragement from the Hillary Clinton administration.

Anti-Trumpers like Mark Levin will have cause to rue their anti-Trump venom when the FCC, at Clinton bidding, "fairnesses" conservative talk radio off the airwaves, with FCC coming to be understood, alternatively, as meaning the Fairness Control Commission.

What Richard Benedetto said of media deference towards President Obama, in a Wall Street Journal op-ed, May 20, will continue unabated with President Hillary Clinton who also will be "the beneficiary of news media managers and reporters who mostly like his style and agree with his policies. With President Clinton in the White House, before her first term ends, how many states will follow California's lead in seeing to it that primary winners go to the two top Democrats?

I anticipate the Democratic National Convention, starting July 25, and, imagining slogans like: "Hillary: "Unifying the Nation," Hillary: Ending Divisiveness, " "Hillary: Restarting America, " I see, impending, an end of the Founding Vision for our Republic.

**to bork (transitive verb)-- to attack or defeat (a nominee or candidate for public office) unfairly through an organized campaign of harsh public criticism or vilification. Merriam Webster definition.