Monday, May 06, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

Two Interesting Observations,
with LPR Comments

May 15, 2014 --

"The Communist system, as a rule, stifles and represses any intellectual activity with which it does not agree. That is, everything that is profound and original." Milovan Djilas, "The New Class."

Consider the left's demand that discussion concerning the climate is over. Do we now have a "system" that, if not called "Communist," follows "Communist" un-free speech rules?

"What is new and particularly disconcerting in recent infringements of free speech is that the self-appointed censors gradually come from the liberal end of the political spectrum." Editorial - "The New Censors," February 2, 1975, The New York Times.

By 2014, such "infringements" on the left, of course, became old hat.