Sunday, May 05, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

What Does the International Left Want for Israel? Some Questions and Answers

April 5, 2015 --

Now that Israeli Prime Minister will form a new government, after his party won a significant plurality of Knesset seats in Israel's March 17 elections, what are the international left's plans for the Jewish state? Apparently, the international left, including the Obama administration, will approve a U.N. Security Council Resolution setting a deadline for a Palestinian state.

And then? And then, of course, resistance by Israel would lead to sanctions, international court rulings, de-legitimization. Even NATO-attack.

Does it matter that Hamas, committed by its charter, to destruction of Israel by Jihad might come to power on the West Bank? Absolutely not. After all, there was no outrage, in the international left, when the PA reconciled itself with Hamas rule in Gaza. The fact that Hamas refuses peace for Jihad against Israel did not keep the international left from sympathizing with Hamas when Israel used military force against rocket attack launched by Hamas.

Has the Palestinian strategy of refusing to make peace with a Jewish state been effective? Assuredly so. In refusing to negotiate peace with Israel, the Palestinians have relied on traditional anti-Semitism in Europe to tip the scales in their favor. Last summer, as events proved, this strategy paid off with anti-Semitic demonstrations throughout Europe in response to Israeli action defending itself against Hamas attack

If the international left pressures Israel to surrender to the Palestinians and if, thereafter Hamas, supported by Iran or ISIS or both, succeeds in establishing the Islamic State f Palestine on the ashes of Israel, won't this have made a mockery of the post-Holocaust cry: "Never Again"? It will mean that the international left will tolerate a Final Solution against the Jewish People about once every seventy years.

But if the international left opposes the Netanyahu government, in considerable measure, because it is conservative, doesn 't that mean that the international left is a threat to conservatives throughout the world?

For the international left, no conservative government is legitimate. Sadly, in the United States, the Republican Party leadership is either oblivious to the left's hostility or is too intimidated to defend itself. This is the real reason the Obama administration opposed the Netanyahu March 3 address to Congress. The White House feared that Netanyahu might embolden Republicans to opposes the president's usurpation of legislative authority.

Do you think Republicans will cut financial contributions to the United Nations if the U.N. Security Council sets in motion the end of Israel with its call for a Palestinian State? For Republicans to stop funding the U.N., they would have to withstand a tsunami of abuse from the international and, who knows, threats of arrest by President Obama for trial before the International Criminal Court.

But what if a conservative -- say Gov. Scott Walker -- were elected president before a Security Council-sanctioned Palestine were established?

Do you think the international left would tolerate a President Scott Walker? Heavens, the international left would support the secession of California and New York from the United States, before the electoral college met to validate his election.