Monday, May 06, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

A Curious Lesson for Israel
from Nicholas Kristof

August 1, 2014 --

Mr. Kristof, a New York Times columnist, wrote in the paper, July 17, that Israel should learn a lesson on defeating terrorists from the way Britain and Spain put an end to terrorist threats. Kristof noted that "Spain gave autonomy to the Basque Country" and he suggested that Britain, in 1985, negotiated an end to terrorist in Northern Ireland. Kristof did not point out that the Islamic Resistance Movement rules Gaza, there is no Israeli presence in Gaza, and the IRM has no interest in peace negotiations.

Kristof further ignored the obvious point that Basque terrorism did not seek the destruction of Spain and the terrorists in Northern Ireland did not seek the destruction of Great Britain. Mr. Kristof might as well be offering Israel a glass of arsenic, calling it a milkshake.