Sunday, May 05, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

The Establishment Vs. John Doe

January 5, 2016 --

John Doe, during his radio address in "Meet John Doe," suggested that a "John Doe" is the person the cop yells at to move back, at some public event.

Pro-establishment people, like the Washington Post's Michael Gerson (nominally, apparently, a Republican) appearing on the December 27 "Meet the Press" panel indicated that he very much wants to be among the people cops let through the lines. In establishment eyes, the people, generally, are those held back on the other side of the line. Who is in the establishment? Those permitted to cross the lines.

LPR has another way to define the establishment -- Republican and Democrat --makes no difference: The establishment consists of all the people who, borrowing from Madison in Federalist No. 57, seek the "ambitious sacrifice of the many, to the aggrandizement of the few." Here is the explanation how the squeezed class is getting the short end of the economic stick, while the insiders, including Hillary Clinton, get wealthier and wealthier.

Of course it is in the economic interest of the establishment to back presidential candidates who will maintain crony capitalism, -- aggrandizement at the expense of the squeezed.

But if the presidential vote, next November, is on the level, should be the people in the squeezed class, who far outnumber the members of the establishment, be expected to vote for their continued economic decline? Where is the opinion poll asking a propsecitve voter: will you support an establishment candidate so that your income will keep going down?

PS -- the former middle class won't do any better with Bernie Sanders as president. Has anyone heard him quote the wisdom of James Madison? Of course not; he tends towards the observation of K. Marx.