Sunday, May 05, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

There Goes John Kerry Again --
Waving the Anti-Semitism Card

August 5, 2015 --

The New York Times, July 25, reported: "Secretary of State John Kerry said Friday that the nuclear accord he negotiated with Iran was in Israel's interest and that the Israeli government's decision to oppose it could further its isolation." The Times then quoted Secretary Kerry: "'I fear that what could happen is if Congress were to overturn it, our friends in Israel could actually wind up being more isolated and more blamed,' Mr.Kerry said in an appearance at the Council of Foreign Relations."

LPR has no doubt that the Obama administration will demonize Israel in the unlikely event that Congress overrides a presidential veto of a congressional vote disapproving the "nuclear accord...with Iran." LPR is reminded how, in January 1948, George F. Kennan, policy planning head at the State Department, warned that the establishment of a Jewish State would promote anti-Semitism in the United States. Mr. Kerry, like Kennan before him, apparently will stoop to asserting that Israel has persuaded Congress to act against U.S. interests.

Will President Obama accuse Republicans who vote against the "nuclear accord ...with Iran" of being "un-American?" Or will it be sufficient for the administration to try to stir up anti-Semitism? That might indeed work in, say, France. LPR predicts it will not work in the USA -- not even if The New York Times and Democratic congressman like Sander Levin lead the anti-Israel chorus.

More likely, President Obama will get what he wants with the accord enabling Iran to get nukes to fire at Israel, because Congress doesn't have the spine to honor the ooaths taken to support, defend and protect the Constitution of the United States. What next? A U.N. Security Council resolution declaring in the interests of international peace and security, Barack Obama must remain president beyond January 20, 2017 -- and for the unforeseeable future?