Friday, May 10, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor
Where is Today's Joseph Welch?

OCTOBER 10, 2007 --

Rush Limbaugh, you are not alone, not while LPR is around. LPR, October 2, heard you bemoan the passivity of congressional conservatives and the silence of cyber-conservatives in response to leftwing

But Rush -- LPR has always tried to call attention to Republicans who don't stand up for themselves. You are wrong to suggest there is no website willing to respond to leftwing polemics. Try googling LPR.

Yes, the liberals (illiberals, actually) are growing increasingly reckless with their partisan fulminations. Consider only the rush (no pun intended) from Senator Harkin, October, to denounce you for attacking the soldiers of our country and include the suggestion that perhaps you were back on

LPR would like to think that Joseph Welch, from his place in the Hereafter, would not mind that LPR now takes his words, June 9, 1954, responding to Senator Joe McCarthy, and applies them to Mr. Harkin (this quote is from the History Matters website; other sources use different punctuation for the identical words):

"Have you no sense of decency sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?"

This is to add, Rush, that LPR is pleased to hear that you are able to recognize "scared and weak" Republicans. Perhaps, too, you will one day recognize that Rudy Giuliani is quite the "'bully'" his former aide Jerry Hauer, quoted in the New York Post by Carl Campanile, last week, now sees him to be. Alas, Mr. Hauer, presently a backer of Senator Clinton's presidential campaign, seems to have difficulty in seeing pols as the bullies they are, when it counts.