Monday, May 06, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

LPR's Comment on Judge Sullivan's Last Opinion on the Flynn Case

December 19, 2020 --

The rationale for the continued persecution by Judge Emmet G. Sullivan of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn is, I think, found on page 37 of  Judge Sullivan's crabbed 43 page memorandum opinion granting, as moot, Flynn's motion to dismiss the case against him brought by the Office of Special Prosecutor Mueller that found its basis in machinations against the Trump administration by the Obama Cabal.

Judge Sullivan wrote that Flynn "personally asked for a favor from the Russian ambassador that undermined the policy of the sitting President prior to the President-Elect taking office."  The requested favor apparently was that Russia not retaliate in response to the action taken by President Obama ordering the removal of Russian diplomats from their posts in the U.S.  The request reportedly was made to avoid the exacerbation of U.S.-Russian tensions during the transition period leading to the new presidency.  

This leaves the clear implication that the Obama cabal wanted President Trump to take office in the midst of increased tensions between Moscow and Washington.  

Accordingly, it would seem to the undersigned that Judge Emmet G. Sullivan should show cause why he should not be found in favor of supporting  the apparent posture of the Obama cabal that sought to complicate the effective transition to the Trump presidency, and to undermine that presidency thereafter.