Saturday, May 11, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor
A Brief LPR Lecture

OCTOBER 18, 2007 --

Now will "conservatives" understand what the hullabaloo against hate crimes and hate speech is all about? In two words: thought control. Where thought control is practiced, unreason prevails.

The problem with "conservatives" -- among other things -- is that they should have been calling "political correctness" thought control. They should have been fighting the hate crime concept as thought control, and crying from the highest ramparts: A crime is a crime--no more is needed.

Recall how the right to privacy was a key issue in the defeat of the nomination of Judge Bork to go to the Supreme Court?

What is thought control if not a pervasive invasion of privacy?

"Conservatives" are apparently become too benighted to respond to the "liberal" encroachments on freedom, LPR here attempts to rekindle the populist spirit that established the USA.

And hey, everybody, don't listen to the media people who equate populism with demagoguery. The Founding Fathers knew what demagoguery was all about -- see Hamilton in Federalist 1 -- and they knew what populism was all about -- see Federalist 57.

Demagogues, out of personal ambition, aim to hoodwink the people. Populists, out of commitment to the common good, aim to serve the people. Fred Thompson, take note. (This means, a populist seeks to renew the founding mindset. This would make the populist a true conservative.)

And for "conservative" talk show people who claim a third party would be far worse than a Giuliani presidency -- you are joining the "liberals" in their preference for irrational conclusions.