Saturday, May 11, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor
Another LPR Memo:
Iran's President Ahmadi-Nejad

JANUARY 4, 2007 --

Have a hunch, if you hadn't called that Holocaust Conference, people really would have gotten to forgetting that horrific example of man's inhumanity to man.

Certainly the discontinued Yahoo message boards signaled that lots of people in the U.S. preferred to deny the Holocaust.

Not that such denial should be a criminal offense. Without free speech, how would we know about such topsy-turvy anti-Semitism?

So thank you Mr. President of Iran for helping warn us that society continues to be afflicted with the virus of anti-Semitism.

One suggestion, on a different matter. if you want to sound less shrill in your denunciations of President Bush -- just quote what the domestic adversaries of President Bush say about him.

And to point to our shortcomings you might simply cite domestic observations on corruption in local, state, and federal government.

But if you do, you should also point out that in the US, critics tend not to get whacked, as seems to happen to critics of
the current former Soviet Union.

And if you really wanted to be persuasive, you might suggest that America return to the wisdom of the Founding Fathers, by reference to the guidance in the Declaration of Independence, the
Preamble to the Constitution, The Federalist Papers, and Washington's 1790 letter to the Hebrew Congregation in Newport (RI) stating, in pertinent part "The Government of the United States ..." gives
to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no