Saturday, May 11, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor
LPR at the Movies

JANUARY 16, 2007 --

Venus -- Not entirely a Peter O'Toole vehicle (catch the photo of him shown near the end of the film -- and the reaction of the waitress. Leslie Phillips (eight years older than O'Toole) is terrific and, indeed, his bio on Wikipedia suggests he his life could have furnished material for the screenplay.

The Queen -- Lots of praise for Helen Mirren, but LPR also liked Michael Sheen as Tony Blair, particularly Blair's brief speech to his staff defending the royals and noting Diana's behavior towards them.
Alex Jennings, who plays Prince Charles, for LPR, looks more like Charles's great-uncle David (once the Prince of Wales, then Edward VIII and, finally, the Duke of Windsor). If Blair were to retire to the colonies and run for the Senate in New
York, LPR would vote for him.