Saturday, May 04, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

LPR doesn't understand ...

December 1, 2013 --

...why the stock market has reached a record high, over 16,000 on the Dow Jones index, while the policies of the Obama administration are in disarray.

...why the price of a gallon of milk in New York City is higher (at about $4) than a gallon of regular gas.

...why journalists have voluntarily transformed themselves into explainers of Obama administration policies and practices, rather than reporters on those policies and practices, and effectively have become "Voices of Obama" (VOO).

...why Republicans don't realize that the aim of the left is not only to create a single-payer health insurance system, but a single-party political system.

...why conservatives ignore the quotes from The Federalist Papers, posted by LPR, that provide pointed replies to the left's campaign to transform the United States out of its founding legacy into collectivist totalitarianism.

...why Republican "moderates" like MIchael Medved, Karl Rove and John Podhoretz decry President Obama's polarizing tactics but oppose conservative candidates in general elections. (Does the name Ken Cuccinelli ring a bell for Messrs Medved, Rove and Podhoretz? Also, how did the McCain and Romney nominations work for Republicans?)

...why there is no public outcry over the Obamacare exemption taken by Congress, nor demands from the public for an acounting as to whatever happened to the president's assurances that with Obamacare, insurance premiums would be lowered by $2,500 per family--not to mention keeping the same health insurance and physician?

...why Senate Republicans and House Republicans don't just elect new leaders, now.