Monday, May 06, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor
The (Abbreviated)
Pre-Thanksgiving LPR

NOVEMBER 18, 2006 --

Just some general observations before this posting's photos.

Some conservatives seem to be bewildered that House Speaker to be
No Win Nancy Pelosi picked two House Democrats said to be ethically-challenged -- Rep. John Murtha and Rep. Alcee Hastings for top posts when the Democratic-led House convenes in January.

It has already been suggested that in wanting Mr. Murtha to be House majority leader and ex-Judge Hastings to chair the Intelligence committee, Rep. Pelosi was either demonstrating loyalty, or something other than intelligence.

Also it has been suggested something might be going on we don't know about.

LPR thinks it would be terrific if Speaker-to-be Pelosi backed Murtha and Hastings just to test media reaction; to see how far she could go before the media will criticize a Democrat.

LPR does not expect the media will scrutinize Ms. Pelosi with the hostile criticism it directed toward Newt Gingrich after he led the GOP to victories in House and Senate in 1994.

The "adverse" aspect of journalism comes out, LPR believes, only when Republicans rule the roost -- not that they ever got the hang of such rule. In truth, the GOP merely held to a slim majority in the House in elections up to now -- they never increased their House numbers beyond 1994 and, accordingly, never lived up
to hopes that the GOP had become "the party of the people."

Thank you right and left pundits for coming around to some LPR views. Laura Ingraham recently took note on her radio call-in program that as long ago as last
August, she had been commenting on the weak Republican response to Democratic campaigning.

And in The Washington Post, November 17, the liberal E. J. Dionne, Jr. called on Democrats to address the economic
stagnation of the middle class.

Laura -- LPR has been commenting on GOP passivity for years! And -- E.J.-- LPR has, also for years, been trying to call
attention to Federalist 57, which begins by acknowledging that we have people who seek the "ambitious sacrifice of the many to the aggrandizement of the few."

E.J. -- why not tell your readers about
the guide to political reform that is found in the first half of Federalist Paper No. 57?

Laura -- why not tell your Republican friends to use No. 57 as working guide, not as a political relic?

And this question for the Senate's Independent Democrat? Joe Lieberman --where do you stand on the nomination of John Bolton to be our permanent representative at the United Nations?

(As of November 17, Sen. Lieberman's office has not responded to LPR's phoned messages on this.)

Happy Thanksgiving 2006 Everybody!