Saturday, May 04, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

LPR wonders ...

December 14, 2013 --

...if one of the first things Bill deBlasio will do on taking office as Mayor of the City of New York will be to tax the patience of the people.

...if leftists should be concerned that those "green" wind turbines slaughtering migrating birds will reduce the supply of eggs whose breaking is needed to make omelets.

...if one of the consequences of Obamacare will be to increase the popularity of Christian Science. long it will take people to realize that the left's economic programs are harmful to the economy and that the left then campaigns for re-election by accusing conservatives of harming the economy.

...if the false claims made to get support for Obamacare will cause the people to become skeptical of leftist propaganda.

...when the people, at large, will agree that Democratic support for a simple U.S. Senate majority on presidential appointments, after opposing a simple majority on appointments made by President Bush, is proof that the Democrat approach to governance rests on hypocrisy and is committed to power, not principle.

...if the Republican establishment will include Senators Cruz and Lee and the Tea Party in its calls this Christmas season for goodwill towards people.