Saturday, May 11, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

LPR at Four

DECEMBER 8, 2007 --

This edition of Lonely Pamphleteer Review marks LPR's fourth anniversary.  And, two weeks after Thanksgiving, it is appropriate to give special thanks to webmaster Terri Fassio, and the folks at who make it all possible.

LPR marks this anniversary by -- keeping copy to a minimum!

Just a few follow-ups.  First, apologies on the Broadway strike/ getting towed/ high prices poll. LPR used "more" in asking for reaction when, of course, the question should have been put in terms of "most."  As it happened, this poll drew an LPR record number of respondents, with, at last glance, the overwhelming number expressing concern about the Broadway strike -- now settled, with only one concerned about high prices and no one about getting towed. (Apparently visitors to NYC have learned to keep their cars home.)

Also -- since last weeks' LPR lead on Rudy Giuliani, a flap broke out over his handling, as mayor, of certain travel expenses related to his dating of the now Mrs. Giuliani (It is still not clear who prompted the flap -- the camp of a declared presidate, or a future presideclarant perhaps?)  

LPR was fascinated by a comment of the former mayor, mentioned in Dan Janison's Newsday column, that the press was not reporting (positive) facts about him.  Hah. Mr. Giuliani was served by the failure of the NYC press to report the facts of the property tax manipulation applied by Mr. Giuliani to get new owners at the three Dayton Seaside apartment buildings (constructed by this writer's family).  What goes around...?

And thanks, too, to the LPR clicksters!