Monday, May 06, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

Media Polling Errors, or Just Wishful Thinking?

November 19, 2014 --

The New York Times, among other media outlets, predicted, a week before election day, that the Wisconsin race for governor, between Gov. Scott Walker and Democratic Mary Burke, was "virtually tied." The paper also reported, November 1, that the Iowa race for U.S. senator between Republican Joni Ernst and Democrat Bruce Braley was in a statistical tie. In a November 2 editorial, the Times said that MIchigan Governor Rick Snyder was "tied in polls with the Democrat, Mark Schauer."

On November 4, the Times claimed that in the Kansas race for U.S. Senate, independent Greg Orman "has a good chance" against Pat Robertson, the Republican incumbent. The predictions of The New York Times on these, and other races, were way off, the election going to the Republicans.