Sunday, May 12, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor
Mike and the Mad Dog
in the Morning

APRIL 18, 2007 --

Wow -- now appearing in the former Imus time-slot, they (again) slammed the executives who banished Imus -- but more: Mike and Mad Dog slammed Imus-regulars like Tim Russert and Mike Wallace and Howard Fineman and Ana
Marie Cox who did not particularly express solidarity with the I-man in his time of trouble, LPR no longer has difficulty if the elite media people
continue to insist they are not liberals.

Perhaps not. Mike Francesa and Chris Russo have noted that after Howard Fineman backed Imus, speaking on-air,
with Imus, April 9, he turned on him that evening.


Who does that kind of thing? A turncoat, a flipper -- a fink?

LPR wonders if the folks demanding the head of Imus, expected, also, the head of his sidekick Charles McCord. Well, he was on air in the usual times slot, early morning April 16.

LPR (employing Imus-speak) infers from all this: the saga con-TINN-yoos, and, obviously, "You can't make this up."