Monday, May 06, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor
Don't Blame LPR, Ms. Dowd

JANUARY 22, 2006 --

New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd compared "24's Jack Bauer to Republicans, January 18 and, January 21, hoped that Vice President Cheney was not ogling her googling.

LPR's "back room" showed a google search under "maureen down jack bauer republican."

As of this writing there are some 12,000 entries under this Google search and LPR is number 7 on the list. This is to assure Ms. Dowd that LPR did not originate this search and is not part of a campaign to ogle her googling.


In her January 21 column, Ms. Dowd refers to the vice president as Torquemada.

LPR has another hunch -- a variation on Rev. Norman Vincent Peale's, "The Power of Positive Thinking," -- perhaps there is power in positive communication. This notion occurred to LPR before Karl Rove called for more political civility, speaking to the Republican National Committee, January 20.

The New York Times story, January 21, reported that Mr. Rove went on give "a lacerating attack on Democrats," criticizing Democrats for being against tax cuts, the Alito nomination the the Supreme Court and their positions challenging Administration policy on warrant-less wiretaps, and Iraq.

The Times also quoted Ken Mehlman, chairman of the Republican National Committee: "Public service is a sacred trust and we cannot allow it to be sullied by anyone, Republican or Democrat."

Allowing for the likelihood that "anyone" is a category broader than Republicans
and Democrats, LPR would wish Mr. Mehlman cite Federalist 57 as a Founding source for the notion that public service is a public trust.

What better indication of the sincerity of reform than reference to the people who gave us our legacy of liberty?