Saturday, May 04, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

The New York Times: Adhering to Disinformation

July 19, 2016 --

The New York Times, June 29, continued to maintain the falsehood that the four Americans killed in Benghazi, including Amb. Chris Stevens, the night of September 11-12, 2012 were cut down “at the main American diplomatic compound in Benghazi by a mob of militia fighters who had been incited by an American-made video deriding the Prophet Muhammad.” This bizarre example of continued disinformation at The New York Times was published amidst the paper’s coverage of the House report on Benghazi that made it clear that the “video” had nothing to do with the attack.

By the way – when will the American people be told why that “mob of militia fighters” picked “the main American diplomatic compound in Benghazi” as its target. What indeed was going on at that “compound?” Haven’t the American people the right to know?