Tuesday, May 07, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

"Pelosi" as Neologism

February 19, 2020 --

When Imperial House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tore up her copy of the president's State of the Union address, February 4, she may  have inspired a neologism, "to pelosi," -- to rip apart, for dramatic and condescending effect. the text of a speech immediately after delivery. This neologism might be effective for reporters covering debates at the United Nations. 

It was unfortunate that the imperial speaker, at a February 6 press conference, faulted to president for having his wife, Melania, confer the Presidential Medal of Freedom to the cancer-stricken talk radio maestro Rush Limbaugh, in the House chamber during the Stae of the Union address, and not at "your office [in the White House]."   

There are, apparently no depths beneath which the imperial speaker will not go to harangue and harass President Trump.

The imperial speaker's conduct was too much for law professor and CBS News analyst Jonathan Turley who would an opinion piece for The Hill titled, "Nancy Pelosi should resign."   

Professor Turley wrote that the imperial speaker's behavior at the State of the Union address, "will go down as a day of infamy for the chamber as an institution."

LPR wonders if CBS News will again invite Prof. Turley to comment on legal matters, including the next impeachment brought by a House Democratic majority against a Republican president.