Saturday, May 11, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor
Our Global Oncoming Disaster (OGOD)

APRIL 11, 2007 --

LPR understands that the international community, as reflected by acts of governments, consensus declarations of
scientists, and media reports, is concerned that we are, one way or another, heading to the End of Days.

Alarms about global warming, for example, predict that coastline cities
will become part of sub-oceanic tidal plains.

Indeed, according to the vision of Edgar Cayce (rhymes with Jaycee), coastal cities were supposed to go beneath
the waves in 1998. Perhaps they were just waiting for
Al Gore to give us "An Inconvenient Truth." (LPR is at
a loss why so much attention was given a man who refused to -- or, worse, could not, spell "Casey," C-A-S-E-Y.)

LPR allows that global warming-caused coastline submergence might explain the the recent trip to Syria of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.

This overseas visit of the top Democratic official in Washington, against the wishes of the Bush administration, might not represent an end to the tradition that our
politics stops at the water's edge, but reflects the possibility that the line where our politics once stopped is now under water and, consequently, out of sight.

LPR wonders, moreover, if global warming warning is just a way of diverting us from OGOD. Googling about, the past week or so, LPR has learned that our world will terminate the end of December 2012 (late enough to allow for the London Olympics, however), according to the Mayan calendar.

This has got LPR to questioning if carbon emissions are really all that important, Al Gore or no Al Gore.

(BTW, anagrammatically, the former vice president's name might explain his current size and his ongoing suggestion of noblesse oblige. His name spells, among other variants, "O Large" and "O Regal.")

The vicinity of Yankee Stadium, late afternoon, April 7, might have hinted to the untutored eye that global warming is not as clear and present a danger are consenting scientists suggest.

As this policewoman, outside Yankee Stadium after the game indicates, there was no global-warming in The
Bronx, April 7.

See, please the accompanying photo of a New York City policewoman wearing a facemask to protect against temperatures in the 30s. and note that Alex Rodriguez, photographed as he left the ballpark after leading the Yankees to a 10-7 win over Baltimore -- including a game-ending grand slam home run, is hardly in shirt sleeves.

Alex Rodriquez, leaving Yankee Stadium, after hitting 2 home runs,
including a two-out, bottom of the ninth grand slam, and getting 6 rbi
to beat Baltimore.

Yankee fans cheering and photographing A-Rod after the game

And the Yankee fans cheering Mr. Rodriguez are dressed more for a (U.S.-style) football game, played at a northern, undomed venue in mid December, than
a springtime baseball game in the temperate east.

Still, LPR will not defy the consenting scientists and the editorial boards of papers like The New York Times and The Washington Post on the global warming issue.

LPR will not challenge arguments that the entrails of cars in traffic jams, after the ballgame (as here shown), or on our roads, quaintly called expressways, are contributing to global warming.

Traffic jam on Gerard Avenue after the Yankees' April 7 win over Baltimore, 10 - 7.

Perhaps the current gas price spike is aimed at setting the price so high people will stop driving.

(This approach seemed to work for smoking.) If so, bring on the hurricanes and refinery breakdowns.

Maybe, also, it is time, in our fight against carbon emissions, to put an end to home-heating. Next winter, let's encourage landlords to stop providing heat, and, instead, to drive their tenants to warmer

Unless of course, before OGOD, on or about December 21, 2012, our remaining winters in places like the south Bronx bring tropical, globally-warmed, breezes.