Sunday, April 28, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor
Observations - February 2023

February 19, 2023 --

The GOP's Winning Ticket in 2024 elect:

Donald J. Trump for President

Mike Pompeo for Vice President

Ron DeSantis will clean out the Justice Department as Attorney General

Life Under Biden


How long until whistleblowers step forward to admit that the anti-democracy Democrats did rig the 2020 presidential election? Why did they succeed? Because the Almighty wanted us to appreciate his kindness and mercy in sending us Mr. Trump in 20i6, so that we will appreciate him again on Election Day(s) in 2024.

Life Under the China Balloon(s) …


This question answers itself. Would President Xi have dared invade our airspace with sophisticated balloons if President Trump were in office?

Just a thought from LPR…

MAGA embraces the notion that the country's leaders will forget the people no more, while for Biden and his cabal, MAGA is the enemy that must be destroyed..

Trump spoke from the heart in saying under his presidency, the ordinary people will not be -- Madison put it eloquently in the first line of No. 57, I think, -- sacrificed "to the aggrandizement of the few." For Biden, in the space where a heart is normally found, one finds only ambition. As Sarah Huckabee Sanders summed it up: "crazy."


Of course no ET activity in our air space, Karine!

Everyone knows that space aliens are highly intelligent and would shoot on anything we sent up to intercept.


From Just the News, February 13…

The White House is assuring the public that there is “no indication” of extra terrestrial activity after Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) incidents.

“There is no indication of aliens or extra terrestrial activity with these recent takedowns,” said White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Monday at a press briefing.

LPR's Take on Biden Refusing a Super Bowl Interview With Fox News…

The man cannot speak without a teleprompter -- if then.


February 5, 2023 --

The significance of "86," that is the question …

Forget about mentioning the president's age at present. After reading the Jonathan Alter piece in The New York Times, January 21, with this parenthetical observation on "86" --

"(Mr, Biden would be 86 at the end of a second term)" -- the image of the elderly German President Paul von Hindenburg came to mind, along with this couplet (since partially revised):

To be 86'd due to reaching 86 in 2028?

Would voters be chary, not to mention rather hesitant,
Or re-elect Biden who,
with four more years, would be an 86-year old president?

On the January 24 editorial page of The New York Times that, per Jim Rutenberg (August 2016), Publishes Reports Antithetical to Veracity, DA?

Here is the teaser-squib for the weekly Stephens-Collins chat on the editorial page of The PRAVDA New York Times

"The G.O.P. normallzes leaders with a loose grip on the truth."

This from a propaganda sheet that only tolerates writers with a stranglehold preventing the emergence of truth.

Hard to Believe …


Once upon a time, Michael Davis got Republicans and Democrats to laugh together.