Saturday, April 27, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor
Observations - July 2013

July 17, 2013 --

LPR Awards the 2013 Trojan Horse Award...

... to any and all "Republicans" who say the party must accept the advice from Leftists on immigration (and other) matters if the GOP is to remain viable.

It is to be expected that RINOs (Republicans in name only) will be quick to accept this counsel from leftists that, of course, is intended to do for the Republican party what that Greek gift of yore did for Troy.

LPR suggests that the term RINO be discarded, replaced by DIA (Democrats in actuality).


July 17, 2013 --

The latest example of New York Times anti-Republican Hate Speech

For its July 10 lead editorial, The New York Times zeroed in on North Carolina Republicans, asserting in a sub-head that "the state's reputation for progress and tolerance" is being dismantled by Republicans, "systematically." LPR does not expect The New York Times to take notice how the Obama administration is transitioning the middle class into wretchedness.


July 17, 2013 --

A 1933 View of Obamacare

Eighty years ago, Sidney Kingsley, in his Pulitzer-prize-winning doctors play, "Men in White," offered insight as to the fundamental difficulty with Obamacare. In the play, Dr. Levine, an older physician, remarks to Dr. Ferguson, an intern, "maybe some day the State will take over medicine."

Ferguson: "Before we let the state control medicine, we'd have to put every politician on the operating table, and cut out his acquisitive instincts."

Levine: "That, I'm afraid, would be a major operation!"

July 2, 2013 --

Is There a Catch-22 Problem with Catch-22?

LPR recently re-read the Joseph Heller novel and now wonders senators will call for sales of the novel to be banned on U.S.. military installations because of the instances of sexual harassment and worse that appear in the novel's pages.
Till now, of course, Catch-22 has been viewed as anti-authority or anti-war. LPR wonders if Senators McCaskill and Gillibrand would read a darker message in Catch-22?


July 2, 2013 --

Paycheck to paycheck?

LPR has seen a report that most Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. LPR will go this report one better. How about living social security check to social security check -- which means the individual awaits not the passage of seven or 14 days, but of 30 or 31 days? LPR would add that Americans living on social security checks receive less, in one year, than IRS bureaucrat Sarah Hall Ingram was given in an annual bonus -- on top of her 170 thousand-plus annual wage. And what is this with bonuses for IRS employes. Who do they think they are? Wall Streeters?? Whee is a group that will -- Occupy the IRS!


July 2, 2013 --

How Benighted are Republicans?

LPR has yet to hear a Republican suggest that Egypt's downward spiral just might have been set into motion when the Obama administration linked up with the Moslem Brotherhood to force Hosni Mubarak out of power.


July 2, 2013 --

A Second President Obama Rather than a Second President Clinton?

What if Michelle Obama decides to run in 2016? LPR thinks that would end Hillary's candidacy. LPR herewith proposes a constitutional amendment mandating that 20 years must separate the presidencies of family members. (Twenty years separated the presidencies of John Adams and his son John Quincy Adams.)