Saturday, April 27, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor
Observations - May 2007

MAY 31, 2007 --

LPR Wonders …

Who will be the first Democratic 2008 candidate in 2007 to declare that Sen. Clinton has served two de facto presidential terms (for example, was Janet Reno really Bill's pick for attorney general?) and therefore is barred by the
penumbras  and emanations of the Twenty-second Amendment of the Constitution  from running for president.

MAY 31, 2007 --

Burden of Proof Standard, NYC Parking Summonses …

LPR is not sure about this and offers the following only as possibility, not descriptively -- but absent official explanation, what else can it be?

By a very narrow preponderance of accusatorial hearsay evidence, please note: this is not quite the same thing as
presumed innocent until proven guilty.

MAY 31, 2007 --

Playing MLB is Work, Not Leisure Activity,  Department …

Maybe the Yankees would be doing better this year if they  dressed for work, on driving to Yankee Stadium -- and for  a leisure activity.

MAY 31, 2007 --

LPR has concluded WFAN gave us Jim Cramer as vocal transition to this morning's personality and broadcast is to be called:

Who is on WFAN in the morning?

This is intended to elicit the response:  No,  what is on WFAN in the morning -- who is on WABC.

For LPR more like: Chalk screeching on blackboard in the morning

MAY 31, 2007 --

Do the Anti-Bush Factions [ABFs] believe:

Heads the Republicans lose in Iraq

Tails the ABFs win

Open the surrender door a crack

Watch the GOP structure fall in

MAY 31, 2007 --

(Not the Nascar LPR) -- Is the Game Over When John Sterling Says So --
or When That Special Lady Sings?

Dear Mr. Sterling of Yankees radio announcing fame

Would you mind just telling us the progress of the baseball game

Please keep to yourself  in-game predictions of Yankee defeat

Unless the timing of that lady's song is now deemed obsolete

MAY 31, 2007 --

The Decline of the U.S. Auto Industry …

How I recall, by memory's smile

When politicians did not dare to impose by guile

Hidden taxes by means of seat belt fine

Parking violation fees were not out of line

And something else half a century ago

so rare today, driving fast or slow

Cars proudly painted in two tone glow

No airbags then, but a far better show

Note:  LPR  affirms under penalty of perjury that the foregoing was written an hour or so before seeing the Yahoo News item that  car exteriors  would go  from
subdued to colorful again.  LPR further affirms that it did not receive the news from an industry source -- LPR cannot of course swear that the news was not
implanted by extraterrestrial (or inner-terrestrial) contact.

MAY 23, 2007 --

The Anguish of WFANglish -- or --
Phrases Heard May 21 on This Radio Station …

"… I would have went…" not have gone?

" ...I would have easily gave…" not have given?

Causing to swoon the grammmarian swan

Not to mention to madness driven

The spoken word at WFAN so to remain mired

In grammar malpractice, a condition of getting hired?

Of liberalism in grammar I'm getting tired
Knowing it's not what at WFAN will get you fired

MAY 23, 2007 --

What Imus I most miss …

For me no list of ten is needed to explain

How sad at WFAN won't hear the I-man again

Just this --and it concerns Senator Chuck Schumer --

No one now dares to cut off of this man without humor

MAY 23, 2007 --

On the Season's Last Episode of "24"…

Jack should have gotten Audrey's father, Defense Secretary Heller, to admit he was working with Jack's dad to betray the country to the Chinese.

Just one other thing: Who was Secretary Heller calling when Jack walked in? (Joel Surnow - please note: if this has anything to do with next season, will be pleased to join the writing or acting "24" staff.)

MAY 23, 2007 --

Sorry for the Inconvenience …

Additional photos from the United Creators exhibition must be be put off due to production requirements. LPR expects to post the images soon.

MAY 23, 2007 --

LPR Recommends …

The documentary "Show Business: The Road to Broadway."

This is a terrific documentary from Dori Berinstein about four shows that opened in the 2004-2005 season: Wicked," "Caroline, or Change","Taboo", and "Avenue Q."

Wicked and Avenue Q are still fielding teams for the Broadway Show League.

MAY 16, 2007 --

LPR to Rush Limbaugh …

Any Possibility You Could Match Your Strong Stand Against Iraq Defeatism With a Strong Stand Against Gas Price Gouging?

MAY 16, 2007 --

Did you hear the one …

… about the headhunter charged with sexual harassment because of a typo that inserted a space in "google" so that the email instructed: "Go ogle Ms. Jones during the job interview."

MAY 16, 2007 --

Broadway Show League …

A moment, last Thursday, at the hot corner on Heckscher's field 6, in Central Park, during the game between Local One and Rent: Tommy McDonough, of Local One, basehit-denier. And, true, Local One won.

MAY 16, 2007 --

"Knowledge is power"

LPR got a mailing from Capital One, last week, that included the phrase "knowledge is power." Thank you for the reminder Capital One. Accordingly, LPR here demands to know, from credit card companies charging crushing interest
rates, how much of the impost goes to
make up for losses caused by late payments -- and how much is windfall to the credit card companies. Uh, New York Times, Washington Post, 60 Minutes, et al. -- why aren't you pursuing this issue and thereby helping maintain our right to know?

MAY 16, 2007 --  

Development in progress …

Things change at Macombs Park since mid-June 2005 …

Farewell Fair Field…

MAY 16, 2007 --

Isn't this Interesting?

LPR has read of concern that we are developing a two family presidential system: consisting of the Bushes and the Clintons.

LPR recalls suggesting, before the 2004 election, that perhaps we need a law requiring 24 years between a presidency and a subsequent presidential term for a
son, daughter, brother, sister or spouse. The 24 year period is taken from the the interval between the presidencies of John Adams and his son John Quincy Adams.

MAY 9, 2007 --

The Gas Price Step-Up Set-Up …

LPR heard a report on radio, the morning of May 7, predicting that gas prices have peaked. The report did not, however, say that prices would go back to where they had been when the current spike began,
weeks ago.

LPR has a hunch our spikes are bringing us a continual step- up in prices.

(BTW--LPR is not aware that the media ever checked whether the first gas spike, back in 1973, had something to to with the end of the oil depletion allowance, shortly before.)

MAY 9, 2007 --

LPR Just Realized …

TGIF is "gift" -- jumbled.

MAY 9, 2007 --

Tulips …

Looking west on Park Avenue …


MAY 9, 2007 --

Are Conservatives Anti-Government and Anti-People?

Liberals tend to denounce conservatives as anti-government for criticizing government action. When liberals criticize government action, it is in the name of civil liberties, of course, to protect the people from conservatives.

MAY 9, 2007 --

The Public's Right to Know Department ...

What are the ratings at WFAN, 6 to 10 a.m., post-Imus. (Not to be confused with posthumous--although, figuratively, broadcast-wise, they mean the same for
the I-man.)

MAY 9, 2007 --

Inspector Morse, it isn't …

LPR was interested to learn that the Brits are capable of making a tedious movie, not at all faithfully represented by the trailer.

See, for example, "Hot Fuzz." Or, better, don't see it.

Not to gainsay the cast likely had a lot of fun making this British countryside shoot 'em up.

MAY 9, 2007 --

Bucolic Bronx …

Van Cortlandt Park …

MAY 9, 2007 --

Proprietor's Note …

Recent postings of LPR, and this one, do not include images of gas prices. The oil
companies are raising the prices too quick for the LPR camera to keep up.

MAY 9, 2007 --

Do Body Counts Tell the Story?

During the the Vietnam conflict, the news up to 1968 tended to focus on the number of Vietcong or North Vietnamese troops killed in fighting -- located with reference to Saigon.

(For example: 100 enemy troops were killed in fighting 80 miles northwest of Saigon.)

Now it seems the media reports only the number of U.S. troops and Iraqi civilians killed and injured.

Does this type of reporting in Iraq accurately convey the reality on the ground any more than it did in Vietnam?

Or is it the reality of the will of the people back home that ... counts?

MAY 2, 2007 --

On the Health Front …

Recently LPR saw a report about a study in the scientific journal Neurology that people suffering from migraine headaches may not, as they get older, have as much memory loss as others.

Now there is a report in Nature Neuroscience about a study that migraines may cause brain damage.

Hmm. Does this mean brain damage helps us remember better?

MAY 2, 2007 --  

If Airbags Can Kill ...

Accounts of the death of author David Halberstam, in an auto accident in California, last week, did not mention whether or not his seatbelt was clicked.

LPR did read that Mr. Halberstam suffered broken ribs and was instantly killed when a rib pierced his heart.

New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine suffered multiple injuries, including broken ribs, in his recent auto accident. LPR recalls that accounts of that accident included word that the governor did not have his seat belt on. The governor did survive the crash, however.

Any possibility that a rib would have pierced HIS heart if he had his seatlbelt on?

MAY 2, 2007 --

Imus Be Going …

Whatever happened to Don Imus?

Does he now travel by city bus?

And I also wonder of Dan Quayle

While the laughter at WFAN turns stale

MAY 2, 2007 --

LPR Question of the Week …

Why does the guy in Iran need nukes if we are capable of tearing ourselves apart, politically and economically?