Sunday, May 05, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

Idea for the
Last Orson Welles Picture Show

May 19, 2015 --

Attention is getting paid a book about Orson Welles' last movie that remains unfinished. LPR has an idea how to complete the movie, called by Welles "The Other Side of the Wind." Use the film as cinematic book-end to Welles' first film -- Citizen Kane, which was a story about how a newspaper publisher was made larger than life by inheriting a great deal of money.

"The Other Side of the Wind" is clearly about a prominent Hollywood director made larger than life by his talent.

LPR even has a "Rosebud" moment before "The Other Side of the Wind" fades to black. The movie's narrator finds a note from Welles in a "Citizen Kane" script that reads....