Monday, May 06, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor
Federalize the
Parking Violations Bureau

MAY 21, 2006 --

LPR disagrees with the decision of President Bush to place National Guard troops on our border with Mexico.

If the president wanted to do something to halt undocumented immigration -- he
would obviously put the New York City's PVB agents on the job, backed by parking agents from other cities.

Indeed, the zeal of traffic agents in doing their work in the fight against illegal parking is probably better training
for border patrol than the military training for the National Guard.

LPR does wonder why Congress and the media are focusing on the immigration issue at a time when the gas price squeeze on the American people is a present danger to our economic well-being.

White House figures reportedly point to the fighting in Iraq as the main reason for the president's low standing in the
opinion polls. LPR disagrees.

With each visit to a gas station, we are reminded that the president is ineffective in dealing with the gas prize squeeze -- a
squeeze that is likely to be the excuse for the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates further.

And promote recession?

It seems to LPR that the Chicago Cubs will win the World Series before the Dow Jones reaches 12,000.

On the gas price threat to the the country's well-being, including national security, the Bush administration seems to alternate "policy" from hands-off to hand-wringing, while apparently encouraging focus elsewhere.

(By the way, wasn't NAFTA supposed to improve the Mexican economy?)

LPR has a hunch that Dennis Haysbert, as president, would be effective in facing down the gas-prize squeezers -- and would comment on the credit card
interest rate squeeze as well.

Think about it.