Tuesday, May 07, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

Examples Why The New York Times Should Be Called The New York Pravda By American Patriots

November 19, 2020 --

The Times, in its November 16 editorial asserted that Biden won "a decisive victory over Donald Trump."

As of November 16, two weeks after Election Day and still all the votes have not been counted, much less a Biden victory getting certified. 

The reaction of the media, including some conservative outlets, challenging the president for insisting on careful counting of the vote totals, suggests the fear that the original vote count was not accurate and, indeed, did not consider, or threw out votes that, going to the president, would establish that he, in fact, defeated Biden. 

In any event, it should be conceded, generally, that the vote count is too close to merit being considered "decisive for Biden."

Further down in the Times November 16 editorial continues to insinuate that Russian President Vladimir Putin has a "hold" on President Trump.  And so, The New York Times deserves being renamed The New York Pravda for insisting on maintaining the anti-Trump propaganda -- that is to say, disinformation -- that it has employed now for more than four years and, LPR expects, will not stop employing against a president who defended the country against attacks on liberty by the authoritarian, arrogant snobs on the left.