Monday, May 06, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

The American People Have Spoken:
Did Washington Hear Them?

November 5, 2014 --

With a Republican majority elected in the United States Senate, as of next January, LPR is fairly confident that the next appointment to the United States Supreme Court will not be a radical ideologue. Also, given the Republican success in getting governors elected, LPR has a good idea that the nation will be spared the nomination of Jeb Bush, or Mitt Romney in 2016. (How about the re-election of John Kasich in Ohio by nearly a million votes -- winning 63.85 percent of the vote!)

John Batchelor, on his radio program November 4, wondered whether President Obama now will cooperate -- or agitate. LPR does not see President Obama as ready to become a negotiating partner with Congress. Vladimir Putin, speaking on Sochi, Russia, October 24, suggested that President Obama believes in a "unipolar" political universe where accommodation does not derive from negotiation but to diktat. Putin was speaking in the context of international affairs. His observation, LPR believes, also informs the Barack approach to domestic affairs.

Another Putin observation, October 24, is not without relevance, in LPR's view, to the Obama modus operandi. The Russian president noted that "total control of the global mass media has made it possible when desired to portray white as black and black as white."

The mid-term results tell LPR that the American people are not quite so gullible; we won't see media assurances of economic recovery when we feel squeezed by inflation at food stores. Still, LPR believes President Obama will continue to rely on a compliant media to serve his propaganda aims.

LPR is NOT confident that Republicans will take principled positions in response to continued ideological assaults from the White House against them, or against the Constitution.

LPR cannot expect that Republicans will suddenly discover the wisdom on governing a republic set forth in the first half of Federalist No. 57. The most significant lesson of Federalist No. 57 is that distance between government and citizenry results in tyranny.

LPR believes that the American people, November 4, voted to revive our founding principles and turn away from transformation to tyranny. House Speaker John Boehner, reacting to the November 4 results said, in part: "[W]e are humbled by the responsibility the American people have placed with us."

The question remains: will the congressional Republican majority serve the national common good, or will it serve as handmaiden for those intent on the "ambitious sacrifice of the many to the aggrandizement of the few"?